Men – Ironworks

Men – Ironworks

Ironworks is a ministry of men of all ages who love Christ and are committed to sharpening one another through fellowship and refining each other through service.

It is based off of Proverbs 27:17: Iron Sharpens Iron, and one man sharpens another. 

This year, we will focus on Main Street’s 2019 theme, “Magnify“.

We will have several events coming up throughout the year and encourage all men at Main Street to join in.

Upcoming Events 

Bird Shot and Bacon  (Skeet shoot and breakfast) April 13th 8am -12pm. Gunn Farm

Our goal is to Magnify our time with other men and build relationships.

24 hours of Prayer May 17th 4pm – May 18th 4pm

Our goal is to Magnify our responsibility of leading our families in Christ.

Fishing Rodeo for Men and Boys TBA

Our goal is to Magnify our relationships -from the youngest to the oldest- building relationships between generations.

Pig Roast and Main Street Community Meal TBA

A.) The men will gather together for the roasting of the pig, Magnifying Christ through fellowship.

B.) We will Magnify Church and Community, building relationships between the two.