Women in God’s Service

Sorry guys, girls only!

  • WinGS (Women In God’s Service) includes any and all women attending Main Street. It’s a women’s program designed to provide an opportunity for service, fellowship, and spiritual growth with fellow sisters.
  • WinGS has several ministries for our women to partake in.
    • Wednesday Night Bible Class: meets every week in the fellowship hall at 6:30pm. We study God’s word and strive to apply it to our daily lives. You won’t find a warmer, more inviting group of women. Please feel welcomed to join us.
    • Fall & Winter Bible Studies: these studies are outside of church classes and are designed to take a closer, in-depth look at God’s word, our own walk with Him, and to focus on ways in which we can grow in our faith.
    • Apples of Gold: This is a six week mentoring program for women based on Titus 2:3-5. It is designed to help us prepare for the next season in our life and to grow spiritually with our Lord. Participants are welcome from our church or from the community.
    • Book Club: A group of women meet every few months to fellowship with one another and discuss a chosen book. The location is at different participant’s home. Please see Gay Rushing or Jackie Williams if you are interested.
    • Women’s Retreat/Ladies Conference: each year we gather together for a weekend of worship, setting aside distractions and focusing on glorifying and praising God. Look for more details in our church bulletin each February.
    • Service Projects: Each year we strive to partake in different benevolent projects within our community. This helps us reach others outside of our church walls, offering them a needed service, and helping them to feel the love of Jesus.
    • Miscellaneous Fellowship Activities: our frequent activities are designed to create fellowship among one another and to help us draw closer together in Christ. Some activities have included: Salad suppers, painting parties, clothing swaps, and movie nights. They are fun activities which are intended to help us create community with one another.
    • Promotions of ministries outside of WinGS: we provide encouragement and help to our Education departments,  Vacation Bible School, Camp,  Youth in Action, Bible Bowl, Outreach, etc..
  • Ongoing Missions and Ministries We Support:
    • Open Door Pregnancy Center project
    • Healing Hands International M.A.G.I. boxes – contact Shirley Smith or Gail Jenkins
    • Master’s Table Volunteers (Fridays, 10am to 11am)